Friday, September 16, 2011

a very hard update to write

I need to keep everyone updated, but to type all of this is very emotional for me.  Scott was transferred to ICU Thursday morning.  He suffered multiple strokes and is still fighting for his life.  He is unable to move his right arm, has vision impairments (they think his left eye is completely blind and his right one only sees shadows) and has cognitive impairments as well.  His frontal lobe of his brain was damaged.  I am dealing with this the best way I know how.  I am trying to stay strong and positive but am really just crumbling on the inside.  The doctors thought the leukemia spread to his spinal column and brain.  Good news from his oncologist today revealed that there weren't any leukemia cells in his brain and his central nervous system.  The stroke was caused by a tear in the left carotid artery of his neck.  They are unaware of the cause of the tear and are doing further testing to determine the cause.  He has a lot of people rooting for him and supporting us.  His mood differs, sometimes he is just relaxed and very unresponsive, other times he is able to respond with a very short answer "yes" "no" "yeah" "cool".  I want so badly for him to able to make a complete recovery and I am praying that will happen but we know he will suffer the effects the rest of his life.  He is getting the best care possible and has some wonderful doctors and nurses.  I would never wish this on anyone.  I thank God for each day that I have with mu husband and my babies.  Please do not take a single day for granted, do not complain about the little things in life because in an instant your life could be stomped on and crushed and mine has this week.


  1. Stephanie and Family,
    Its Kim Peterson (Bass), Stacey's friend from high school. I just wanted you to know that Scott and your family are in my prayers. I can't even fathom what you all are going through. Keep leaning on the Lord. I know that you have many friends and family, but if there is anything that I can do to help out, please do not hesitate to call me or have Stacey contact me. 905-9825/ I can run errands, clean, help with little ones whatever you need. I will pray as hard as I can. Blessings to Scott and the family.

  2. I don't know you or your family, but I'm friend's with Lisa Sly. I just wanted you all to know that you have touched my heart and that there are sonmany strangers praying for you all right now.
