Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Back in the Hospital :(

Tuesday morning Scotty woke up with a headache.  He didn't think much of it, headaches aren't too rare.  He took a couple of tylenols but the headache wouldn't go away.  After awhile he noticed that his headache was getting worse and he was getting double vision.  He called the doctor and got an appointment scheduled.  He went to the doctor and the doctor was concerned that there may be some bleeding on the brain.  His left eye was unable to track very well and the pupil was large.  He called the ambulance and decided that would be the safest way to transport him to the Emergency Room to get a CT and MRI scheduled.  I was working when all of this happened so I wasn't able to get here until after he was already in CT.  The doctors performed numerous tests and exams.  Both the CT and the MRI showed no masses in the brain and no hemorrhaging or bleeds on the brain.  Well I guess that was good news.  The bad news was now Scott's eye was looking worse, hard to open and the excruciating pain of the headache that would not go away.  His Face was now numb and he was very nauseous.  The doctors did some lab work and thought that it was time for a blood transfusion.  They admitted him to the hospital about 7:00 Tuesday night.  He received 2 units of platelets and 1 units of red blood cells.  He also received an injection to help boost his white blood cells.  All night long he was unable to sleep due to the pain in his head.  I felt so helpless, he lay there in pain and no drugs seemed to help. He started running a fever, the cause is unknown.  Doctor Haseeb, Scott's oncologist came in this morning to check things out.  He was happy there were no bleeds on the brain, We all were.  He was concerned because with this type of Leukemia it often spreads into the spinal fluid and attacks the central nervous system and lining of the brain.  He thought it would be wise to start chemotherapy precautions and start chemo via a spinal tap today.  They did the procedure and were able to draw out some fluid to send to the lab to analyze.  Scott's neurologist also ordered an MRI of his neck to ensure that there was no blockage in his arteries preventing blood from getting to the brain. All while this is happening Scott is losing control of his face muscles.  Three of the six cranial nerves are being affected that is what is causing the eye problems, double vision, numb face and limited movement of the mouth. Now we sit, still in pain and not much relief waiting for answers.  Answers if the leukemia has spread to the Central Nervous Systerm, answers if he has any infections in his brain, answers to how to get rid of this pain.  We are praying and taking this one step at a time.  There is so much to process and this has happened so fast that I don't know where to start.  I am thankful for this day because it is a gift from God.  My husband is still here and is getting the help he needs.  I miss my children, haven't seen them through all of this because Scott needs me here with him.  I am hoping to sneak away tomorrow and go watch Madison run in her Jog a thon at school tomorrow if Scott is stable enough.  Thank you everyone for your love, support and prayers.

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