Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Our Journey

Last Tuesday, August 23rd we heard some rough news.  Scott's doctor reviewed some lab work and explained that he thought Scott had Leukemia.  Scott had been sick for a while with night sweats, chills, fevers, weight loss, and loss of appetite.  He explained that his white blood cells (The cells in your blood that fight off infections) were so low and he was in immediate danger of infection.  His body was not strong enough to fight off infections.  Our doctor ordered a week of bed rest while he sent a referral to Cancer Care Associates for diagnosis.  It was the hardest news of my married life.  Here is the love of my life very sick and now we have to wait for another appointment to see if our doctors thoughts were true.  We finally got into Cancer Care Associates and met with our new doctor.  They reviewed labwork and explained that the only way to know was to perform a bone marrow biopsy.  We left the appointment about 4:00 on Friday and were told we would have to wait until Monday for the results.  Saturday about 12:30 pm we received a phone call explaining and confirming Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia and needed to head to the hospital to begin treatment ASAP.  Saturday evening as we walked into that hospital we didn't know a lot.  We didn't know how long we would be there (our doctor said it would be about a month), what kind of treatments would be started, and how effective it would be.  We have a wonderful doctor and are learning exactly what this disease does to the body.  Scotty is sick, does not feel well.  Yesterday around 5:00 pm they started the first round (4 days) of chemotherapy.  Our goal is to get through this first round and wait about 3 weeks before we can do another bone marrow biopsy to find out if we are in remission.  There will be so many treatments and chemos and tests.  My hope is that I will be able to keep everyone updated on his progress and prognosis here.  Prayers and Faith are keeping me going and I am trying my best to stay positive and upbeat for my family.  This is a long journey, but we are allowing the doctors to guide us and lead us to survival.  Please pray for Scotty and our family.

1 comment:

  1. Prayers for Scotty, you, and your entire family have been constant. Stay strong sweet Steph!! :)
